Distance Marketing...
The School Enterprise Competition that our school has participated in gained international presence when we shared our ideas with Mr. Gary Dodds, Mrs. Claire Greave and Mrs. Emily Dale from our partner school, St. Martins, Derby, UK. Our guests were delighted to learn the art of making handmade notebooks, notepads and cards using up-cycled scrap material. Mrs. Greave has planned to teach the students of St. Martins the technique of making handmade products.
Mr. Dodds took our products to UK to show them to their public. We have arranged for a video conference where the team will teach the students of St. Martins to make handmade notebooks, notepads and cards.
Mr. Dodds took our products to UK to show them to their public. We have arranged for a video conference where the team will teach the students of St. Martins to make handmade notebooks, notepads and cards.